Lebanon, with a population of approximately four million, is a parliamentary republic with a Maronite Christian president, Sunni Muslim prime minister, and Shia Muslim speaker of the chamber of deputies. In June 2009 the country held parliamentary elections generally deemed free and fair by international observers, and President Michel Sleiman and parliament appointed Saad Hariri prime minister-designate after the elections. In November 2009 Hariri formed a national unity cabinet after lengthy negotiations. The Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE) rated the municipal and mayoral elections, held in four stages between May 2 and May 30, as "acceptable to good." Government security forces reported to civilian authorities. UN Security Council resolutions 1559 and 1701 call for the government to disband and disarm militia groups in the country, but the government made no tangible progress. Despite the presence of UN security forces, Hizballah retained significant influence over parts of the country.
Palestinian refugee camps continued to act as self-governed entities and maintained security and militia forces outside the direction of government officials.
There were limitations on the right of citizens to change their government peacefully. There were killings related to societal and sectarian violence. Unlike in the previous year, there were no reports of disappearances. Security forces arbitrarily arrested and detained individuals, torturing some. Detainees also faced poor prison conditions, lengthy pretrial detention, and long delays in the court system. The government violated citizens' privacy rights, and there were some restrictions on freedoms of speech and press, including intimidation of journalists.
There were limitations on freedom of movement for unregistered refugees. The government suffered from corruption and lack of transparency. Widespread and systematic discrimination against Palestinian refugees and minority groups continued. Domestic violence and societal discrimination against women continued, as did violence against children and child labor.